Blog >> How To Escape Amex Pop Up Jail

How To Escape Amex Pop Up Jail

By Kevin Zanes / August 15, 2024

Imagine this: you are eagerly preparing to apply for a new American Express card, eyes set on that lucrative welcome bonus. You have crunched the numbers, planned your spending, and maybe even started daydreaming about your next big trip. But then, after you click “Submit,” a dreaded pop-up message appears, informing you that you are not eligible for the bonus.

Welcome to the infamous Amex “pop-up” jail, a frustrating limbo that can catch even the most seasoned points and miles enthusiasts off guard. But do not despair. There is a way to escape Amex pop-up jail!

What Is Amex Pop-Up Jail

American Express pop-up jail refers to the situation where you attempt to apply for a new American Express card, only to be met with a pop-up message stating that you are not eligible for the welcome offer (i.e. sign up bonus), even if you are approved for the card itself. This is a preemptive measure by Amex to prevent “gaming” the system — applying for cards purely to earn the sign-up bonuses without intending to use the card regularly. The pop-up jail can feel particularly discouraging, as it effectively blocks you from accessing the rewards you have been eyeing, leaving you wondering what you did wrong.

Here is an example of the Amex pop-up jail message:

Credit. The Frequent Miler. Amex Pop-Up Jail Message.

Why Are You In Amex Pop-Up Jail

There is no official checklist from American Express explaining why you might end up in pop-up jail, but there are several commonly understood reasons. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • High Number of Recent Applications: If you have applied for multiple American Express cards within a short period, American Express might flag you as a risk for abusing welcome bonuses. This is especially true if you have been approved for several cards in quick succession.
  • Low Spending on Current American Express Cards: If you have been approved for American Express cards but have not been putting much spending on them, American Express may see this as a sign that you are not a valuable long-term customer, thus restricting your access to future bonuses.
  • Previous Bonus Abuse: If American Express detects patterns in your behavior that suggest you are applying for cards solely for the bonuses and then closing them or reducing spending after earning the bonus, you are more likely to be placed in pop-up jail.
  • Credit Profile Changes: Sudden changes in your credit profile, such as a significant increase in your credit utilization or a new inquiry spree, might also trigger a pop-up, as American Express becomes more cautious in extending additional bonuses and lines of credit.

Related: The Best Credit Cards For American Express Membership Rewards

How Do You Get Out Of Amex Pop-Up Jail

Landing in Amex pop-up jail is extremely frustrating.

Breaking free from Amex pop-up jail requires a bit of patience and strategy. Here are some effective methods for escaping Amex pop-up jail:

Spend More On Existing Amex Cards

One of the simplest ways to demonstrate your value to American Express is by increasing your spending on your current Amex cards. This does not mean splurging unnecessarily, but rather shifting more of your regular expenses to your Amex cards. By doing so, you show Amex that you are not just in it for the bonus, but that you are a loyal customer who consistently uses their products. Over time, this increased spending could help you get out of pop-up jail.

Stop Applying For New Amex Cards

If you have been on a card application spree, especially within the Amex portfolio, it is a good idea to slow down. Each application adds to the picture American Express has of you as a potential bonus seeker. By taking a break from applying for new cards, you give American Express time to see your long-term spending behavior and to reassess your profile. Patience is key here — give it a few months (typically between 3 – 6 months) before trying to apply again.

Switch To A Different Card Family

Another potential workaround is to apply for a card from a different Amex product line, such as the co-branded Delta, Hilton, or Marriott cards. Sometimes the pop-up jail is specific to certain types or families of cards, and you may find that switching to a different product line could bypass the restrictions. This includes switching from personal card applications to business card applications. However, this is not a guaranteed solution, and if you are still seeing the pop-up, it might be time to employ other strategies.

How To Avoid Amex Pop-Up Jail

Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense. The best way to get out of Amex pop-up jail is to never land in jail from the beginning. Here are two high level strategies to avoid landing in Amex pop-up jail:

Slow Down With New Amex Card Applications

To avoid being flagged, it is wise to pace your applications. While it is tempting to chase after every appealing bonus, spacing out your applications by several months (or even longer) gives Amex the confidence that you are applying for cards because you intend to use them, not just for the bonuses. This also helps you maintain a good relationship with Amex, reducing the chances of future pop-up jail appearances.

Note: You can find additional details regarding the specific application rules for American Express here: A Guide To The Unusual American Express Application Rules.

Seek Amex Upgrade Offers Over New Cards

Instead of constantly applying for new cards, consider taking advantage of upgrade offers on your existing cards. American Express sometimes provides targeted offers to upgrade your current card to a higher-tier version, often with a bonus attached. These upgrade offers typically do not trigger pop-up jail and can be a great way to earn extra rewards without risking your eligibility.

Note: If you do not receive upgrade offers in the mail or by email, reach out to American Express customer service directly (via phone or chat), and ask if you are eligible for any upgrade offers on your current cards. 

Final Thoughts

Being stuck in American Express pop-up jail can be a frustrating experience, especially when you are eager to take advantage of a new card’s welcome bonus. However, by understanding why you are there and applying the strategies outlined above, you can improve your standing with Amex and regain access to those coveted bonuses and welcome offers. Remember, the key to avoiding pop-up jail in the future lies in maintaining a steady, consistent relationship with American Express — show them you are in it for the long haul, and they will reward you accordingly.